This is it girls.. the last city on our list. We have been walking for 12 weeks. You may not be close to finishing.. but I dont want you to give up. Keep walking... I will still keep this blog going until the last person crosses that finish line!!!
When you do cross that finish line I want you to sign up for our next walking challenge... MEXICO!!! That adventure will start on July 31st... more info to come!!
About the City of Miami
The City of Miami known as the “Magic City” is located in Southeast Florida, in Miami-Dade County on the Miami River, between the Florida Everglades and the Atlantic Ocean. Since its incorporation in 1896, the City has grown tremendously, transforming it into one of the world’s renowned centers where people can work, live and play while enjoying a high quality of life.
The City of Miami, known for its diverse culture and ethnicities is the largest municipalityin Miami-Dade County. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 362,470. By the year 2010 the population in the City is projected to rise to 390,191. Miami which is known as the Gateway to Latin America attracts a tremendous amount of foreign born people, resulting in a large Latin American population that includes Cubans, Nicaraguans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans, Argentineans, Ecuadorians, Brazilians, Dominicans, Haitians and Mexicans. According to the 2000 U.S. census, the City has a 60 percent Hispanic population , a 22.3 percent African-American population and a 11.9 percent White/other population.
oh, my word - I have to boogie - I'll still be crossing the states and you will all be in Mexico!!
Hey TL - I guess you can consider me officially dropped out. My pedometer broke a few weeks ago, and I have yet to replace it. It's hard to keep track of steps and mileage without one!!
So sorry I couldn't complete your challenge! I'm still walking most everyday, but I keep forgetting to post my miles, and now I have no idea where I am. You have fun and cross that finish line for me, k?!
I am now at 224.2 miles!! I am slowly getting there. I have decided to stop nursing Lily at lunch time because she is more interested in the bottle than nursing at lunch. So now I am using half of my lunch hour to run and the other half to pump.
I'll definitely be in on the Mexico route. I got my new pedometer in, so I'm hoping to see some good numbers again.
Oh boy, TL, I was wondering what I was going to do when we finished this challenge! I'm in for Mexico. But that means I'll have to do some serious walking to finish this challenge before July 31.
I got in 25.5 miles this week to bring my total to 296.
Hi Tigerlily, Got in 28 miles for the week. Brings me to 324 total I think. I wish I could have done more, but I am sitting here sweating, at 7:30 pm. I am feeling physically better overall (back, etc.) so hopefully I'll be able to increase my workouts in spite of the heat.
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