Thursday, March 27, 2008


Walk Longer and Stronger

To strengthen your lower body for a faster, more powerful stride, do jump squats 3 times a week. Add a set 10 minutes into your walk, midway through, and at the end. Jumps increase impact, which builds more bone, while squats sculpt your thighs and butt. As you get stronger, challenge yourself to up your walking pace.


(1) With feet hip-width apart, toes forward, sit back, keeping knees behind toes. (2) From there, jump into the air and bend knees as you land with feet wider, toes pointed out. (3) Squat, then jump again, landing in start position. Continue to alternate for all reps, working up to 20 jump squats each set.

Look for other great tips from Prevention Magazine.


Susie said...

you are so good--thank you for all the tips.Not my most active last few days..but I will make today better. I will send an update soon. Thank you for all your hard work!

Cory said...

I'm going to have to try putting those in my workout. They seem fun!

By the way, I'm at 18 miles so far. Sorry to take so long to get over here for an update.

Military Mom said...

I'm up to 25.75! And my feel are KILLING me!

Military Mom said...

oh forgot the 3 I did on the treadmill last night-make that 28.75!

debby said...

Hi all--I'm so happy I've been able to keep up the miles while traveling. Thurs.- 6 miles, Fri.- 7 miles! I am tired, but it makes me feel so good about myself to be able to do this

Military Mom said...

As of Saturday night-32.50